Thursday, May 24, 2012

Storage Needs

N59Heavy: hi there,I'm Rudy, do pilots turn you on ?
Marebytes: have you lost it?
N59Heavy: lost it ?
N59Heavy: never had it....
Marebytes you sick little monkey
Marebytes ive known fellas like you....
Marebytes: dont make me come over there
N59Heavy: you do ?...I doubt that
Marebytes: cuz i'll find out which side your bread is buttered on,,, and we'll make toast
N59Heavy: November, Five, Nine, Heavy....request vector to Cooper top pad...ILS approach.....over .......Know what that means ? ya don't.
Marebytes it's landing calls
N59Heavy: right !!!
Marebytes: : ) yup - sharp as a bowling ball
N59Heavy: cool.......hope you never get a ride with us..
Marebytes: heheheheh yup,,youre right. I am so sure you sure dont want me there
Marebytes: with the toast situation and all
N59Heavy: most of my passengers don't know they're there......toast ? marmalade
Marebytes: butter !!!!! BUTTER ONLY DAMMIT !!!!!!
Marebytes: WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE????SPECIAL ????........WHY I OUGHTA.........
Marebytes: ok,,im better now....
Marebytes: Can I ask you one question????
N59Heavy: Yes?
Marebytes: Rudy,,,do you take it up the ass...?
Marebytes: cause i have a small sofa that i need to put into storage
N59Heavy: perhaps we should end this conversation.......
N59Heavy: think Lithium
Marebytes: youre not the first to tell me this and im sure you wont be the last
N59Heavy: my kinda girl !!
Marebytes: but,,,hey,,,its not a big sofa
Marebytes: its not a sofa bed or anything
Marebytes: more like a love seat
N59Heavy: we all take a seat from time to time...don't we ?
Marebytes: i have,,,more times than i care to remember
N59Heavy: ever been sedated ? prostrated ? masturbated ?
N59Heavy: I digress
Marebytes: all of the above
Marebytes: once,,,in that exact order
N59Heavy: <---proficient with chop sticks
Marebytes: have you ever filled an enema bag with Kool_aid
Marebytes: and let it rip?
N59Heavy: Cherry or Orange ?....coolaide
Marebytes: Grape...only grape,,,,,less explaining
Marebytes: so,,,what do you say,,about the sofa..... ????
Marebytes: can ya help me out
N59Heavy: what do you need ? moving it to the street ?
Marebytes: no,,a place to store it
N59Heavy: what day is trash pick-up ?
Marebytes: i dont wanna trash it
N59Heavy: what do you want to do with tell
Marebytes: I wanna keep it stored , in your anal cavity

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

didn't realize other people did this. i created a livejournal 10 years ago just to post AIM convos