Friday, January 18, 2013

Cableless Vagina Part II

If you have read the room chat in which we coined the phrase "Cableless Vagina", you know that we love the phrase so much, we made a room on AOL "Cableless Vagina" just to see what kind of whackers showed up.
As always, the whackers were out there... and showed up
Aside from the AOL Dregs, I was also joined by a friend- Ent8 , just to get the party started... Sadly, after about 10 minutes the AOL"Powers that Be" saw the name, and made the room private..

OnlineHost: *** You are in "Town Square - Cableless Vagina". ***

OnlineHost: Pumpgasv6 has entered the room.
Marebytes: hey pump
Marebytes: welcome to my vagina
Marebytes: there's no cable
Ent8: hey pump
Marebytes:: just the basic 3,,and pbs
Pumpgasv6: hi
Ent8: we only get 2,5,9,& 11
Pumpgasv6: what is this room?
Marebytes: its my vagina,,,sans cable
Ent8: rofl
Ent8: what else would it be?
Pumpgasv6: my wife has the same prob, no calbe in there either
Marebytes: i had them unhook it 2 weeks ago
Pumpgasv6: lucky you
Marebytes: i kept getting slight shocks...
Marebytes: and the box was so uncomfortable...
Pumpgasv6: big bills
Pumpgasv6: where did the coax cable hook up........?
Ent8: u had to go and ask pump
Marebytes: to my cervix
Pumpgasv6: boxes are never uncomfortable
Ent8:ohhhh man
Marebytes: the remote didnt work well...
Marebytes: and with our schedules,,we never got around to watching HBO
Pumpgasv6: was this a private room for you 2?
Marebytes: no vagina is open to the public
Ent8: shouldnt they all be?
Marebytes: if you can live without the cable
Pumpgasv6: got a pic?
Marebytes: of my vagina,,or the cable box
Pumpgasv6: either
Marebytes: hmmmmm
Marebytes: let me check
Marebytes: hey..look.. i do have a pic,,of the guy from the cable company unhooking my service
Pumpgasv6: lol
Ent8:rofl....please send
Marebytes: he took the lines outside and hosed them down before he put them in the truck
Ent8:spoil sport
Pumpgasv6: ok, explain it to me like im 4, what is this room about?
Ent8:is that after he ran them over his tongue?
OnlineHost: AGdHrtdGuy has entered the room.
Marebytes: hey AGd !!!!
Marebytes: welcome to my cableless vagina
Marebytes: shit ! they made the room private
Ent8:I know
Ent8: hey AG
Marebytes: damn !
Ent8: sucks
Marebytes: those bastards !!
AGdHrtdGuy: and thank god. Cableless vagina SHOULD be private
Marebytes: and yet, you decided to enter
Ent68: just like the cable company
Marebytes: i was thinking Ent...
Marebytes:maybe for Xmas....
Ent8: yes?
Marebytes: i could have my vagina equipped with a sattelite dish
Ent8: one of those nice 18" jobs?
Marebytes: exactly !
Ent8: sweet
Marebytes: we could get the fights and all
Ent8: hhmmm, yes...and dont forget the sunday NFL package
Marebytes: oh,,god,,that would be great,, NFL coverage,,right in the privacy of my own vagina