Friday, November 11, 2011

A formal explanation .. of this shit

I have spent a good portion of my career in front of a computer.
Back in the beginning.. back 'in the day' AOL was the porthole to the Internet.
It really was the vagina through which all of this other bullshit was born.
As part of your account with AOL you had a profile which basically said your sex, age, location, status, maybe a favorite quote or hobby.  That was about it. No pics. Just basic info. People could search AOL for other people by location, age, marital status.. simple things. No photos. If someone wanted to see you, you'd have to actually get a photo scanned, and email it to them.

Oh and AOL had chat rooms.. people would go in to rooms of interest -- or geographical area and just talk shit. In the very beginning, you actually paid for AOL by the minutes you used - if you can imagine that.

But I digress.. (what else is new)
People would search for other people in their area and click on their profiles.. read enough to know they were at least of the right sex.. send them an Instant Message (IMs)-- and of course, try to engage them in sexual talk -- yes, the birth of cyber sex. If they were lucky, you'd have a pic to send (not as common back then) - or sometimes they would start by sending you a picture to get your interest.

Being online most of the day, I would get IMs popping up all day long. Mostly I ignored them. Sometimes. I'd be bored..waiting for files to load..or in a mood. And then I would take some time from my busy schedule (ha) to screw with some idiots day.

I never ceased to be amazed at what some idiots would put up with, if they thought they had any shot what-so-ever. So I started saving the conversations to files.. and sharing them with some of my friends...and they got passed around alot.

Some of these will also be conversations with multiple people (some online friends- some strangers) from AOL Chat Rooms and a few HGTV Message Board mishaps.  Yes, HGTV Quilters from all over the world still love me. HGTV decided to disable the photo feature from the Quilt Billboard, because I preferred to post photos from Adult Toy store websites, rather than quilts. I felt they were useful. They didn't. Who are they to judge?

At any rate.. that should give you the picture of the mess you are walking into.



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